CORAL's Fit4CSA Feasibility study started
We are seeking feedback to the first tool that streamlines the basic-level CSA certification of an ICT service, product or process!
Feasibility study starts today!
Fit4CSA cannot get better without real feedback from future users. We are launching a feasibility study to gather feedback about the tool, certification process behind it and their ease of use. Structured into two phases, our study will target first a closed group of potential users and then a wider audience, and seek to understand what advantages and improvements can be brought to the current version.
What do we need to know?
- If you understood the questions, the answers suggested, or the recommendations at the end of the survey
- If there are cybersecurity areas where your product/service/process exceeds, that were not mentioned in the questions
- If you find Fit4CSA useful to perform a self-assessment in line with the Cybersecurity Act, or to apply for a basic-level certification with an external auditor
If you are interested to take a look and contribute, please check out Fit4CSA and the feedback form and then please reach out to us at
Your participation in this project is on voluntary basis and will not be financially compensated. However, your contributions would be recognized and published on the project website, if your consent is given. By participating in this project, you would actively engage in various discussions around the certification, and gain a head-start in terms of the first CSA-based EU-cybersecurity certification framework for the basic level of assurance.
Your comments can have impact on a larger scale
As this is an European Commission funded project, that includes in its consortium a national standardisation authority, your opinions or suggestions regarding the methodology and prototype of this project could be discussed at European level.
Feel free to write to us if you have any questions or need further information.