Thank you for taking part in our CORAL Event

On behalf of the CORAL project consortium, thank you for attending our CORAL event on the 18th of October!

Here are the slides from our speakers:

  • Presentation on ILNAS’s objectives: here
  • Presentation from ENISA: here
  • Presentation of CSA and CSA in Luxembourg: here
  • Presentation of the cybersecurity standards landscape: here
  • Presentation of CORAL project mission and results: here

center-aligned-image Key speakers (upper left to bottom right): Francois Thill (Ministry of Economy), Jean-Philippe Humbert (ILNAS), Renate Verheijen (ENISA), Jean Lancrenon (ILNAS), Natalia Vinogradova (ANEC), Gabriela Gheorghe (LHC).

Key messages

The ultimate goal of the event was to encourage an open dialog around the evaluation and certification of cybersecurity maturity for any ICT solution, and how that comes to life in Luxembourg and in the EU.

Among the multiple great discussion points, three key messages stood out:

  • cybersecurity certification is being further pushed at EU level as one of several ways to prove trust,
  • it is essential for SMEs to jump on the digital trust “train”, and
  • being more secure is closely tied to being adaptive in the face of a “tsunami of regulations” and an ever-increasing threat landscape.

The project results are intended mainly to SMEs willing to have their solutions assessed or certified in terms of cybersecurity, the event aims to reach to a wider audience, including:

  • SMEs that are unsure of the advantages of standards and certification in cybersecurity,
  • auditors that could perform certifications in the context of the Cybersecurity Act (CSA),
  • specific authorities that can play a role in the accreditation and certification proceeses in the scope of the CSA,
  • the wider public, concerned about cybersecurity, who consumes or uses ICT solutions.

center-aligned-image Some of the CORAL panelists (from left to right): Sandro Di Iacovo (LuxDev), Benoit Poletti (INCERT), Renate Veiheijen (ENISA), Jean Lancrenon (ILNAS). Moderation: Gabriela Gheorghe (LHC).